Jason Bush, Co-Founder

Jason Bush is a Certified Utility Safety Professional, NYS Certified Utility Excavator, DEC Erosion & Sediment Control trained contractor and is OSHA Trained & Certified. He is the founder and field superintendent at Sky2Ground. Jason is at the helm of each job; managing every step with precision, from walk-through to completion. He oversees and meticulously maintains our fleet of equipment so that, no matter the size or scope, we are ready to handle even the most difficult, complex jobs. Safety is paramount to Jason, as evidenced by his individualized, carefully crafted action plans. He ensures the safety of each site and is trained and certified in risk management. With military roots, Jason believes in respect and duty. Those core values are seen in the unwavering respect he shows his customers. He is committed to building lasting and mutually beneficial relationships that go above and beyond the bottom line. Coming from an agricultural background, Jason has a passion for nature. He enjoys digging in the dirt and he cares to preserve the environment. He believes in maintaining the integrity of the land, using the latest technology and right-of-way clearing techniques, and giving back to the land whenever possible. Jason gives an environmentally conscious and prudent planning guarantee. At Sky2Ground, Jason is “clearing” the way to build stronger foundations in his community and yours.

Connect with Jason at – jason.bush@sky2groundcorp.com

Click here to browse Jason’s work.

Susan Oswald, Co-Founder

Susan Oswald has over 35 years of experience within local businesses. She has efficiently managed several offices and organizations through mergers, new procedures, and changing technology. Throughout her years of experience, Sue has been involved in every facet of the business process. From sales and purchasing to account management and customer service, she is at the forefront of all office operations. She utilizes her diverse skill set as our partner and director of administration to manage accounts with care and attention to detail. Sue always looks out for our customer’s best interests and does not hesitate to ensure that all logistics are in order and the highest standards are met. Sue is an expert in crafting creative solutions to maximize productivity, ensure smooth daily operations, and “clear” the way for shared success.

Connect with Sue at – soswald@sky2groundcorp.com

Click here to browse previous work of Sky2Ground.